Hi guys! I am so excited to share with you a new opportunity that has been presented to me. It is the Body by Vi 90 day challenge. I have gained a lot of weight throughout my pregnancy and 20 pounds in the past 10 months since. Enough is enough! I have a hard time dieting mainly because I am a VERY picky eater. I have tried lean cuisine and other "diet" meals. The proportions are so tiny that I am hungry 30 minutes later. I have tried slim fast shakes and they are chalky and still leave me hungry. I have tried diet pills and they never work and leave me jittery. I have a very hard time working out because of some joint problems and mainly because of laziness. I was introduced to Visalus and was VERY skeptical at first. But I saw how it has worked for some friends of mine. As much as 20 pounds in one month! I decided to give it a try. You drink 2 shakes a day replacing breakfast and lunch. I didn't believe that I could "skip" 2 meals and not be hungry. I tried it my first day and had to force myself to eat some dinner, because I just wasn't hungry. I ended up losing 5 pounds in my first week! Plus the shakes taste great. They call it the "shake mix that tastes like cake mix". You can add anything to it like fresh fruit or my favorite some peanut butter and a little cocoa powder. You can also use the powder in muffins etc. if you want a change from drinking a shake everyday. They are so great for people on the go. Like me who has a 10 month old and very rarely would get the chance to stop and eat right. The best part of all is the price. If you want to lose weight and have 2 shakes a day it is only $100 a month. That is $100 for 60 meals! That's just under $2 a meal. Add up all the money you spend on breakfast and especially lunches and they more than pay for themselves. Even better if you refer 3 friends to take the challenge with you, you receive your next month of shakes FREE!!! Not bad. The part that got even better for me was the earning potential. I became a distributor my first week on the challenge. I have been home with my son since his birth and have hit that point financially where I have to look for a job or make something happen! This opportunity came at the right moment.I had been searching to find a stay at home job, most of which turned out to be scams. I started selling Avon, which barely brought in any money. I figured why not give this a try! I have nothing to lose except weight. I borrowed money to start and couldn't be happier about my decision. At this point I would do anything to provide for my family and give us the lifestyle we have been dreaming about. I watched the welcome video and knew that this was THE ONE! I have been in sales my whole life and didn't really like the idea of slinging product at people. This is so different. I actually have the opportunity to change peoples lives. Not only with their overall health and weight, but with offering the same opportunity that was given to me. I am just starting this journey with Visalus and am looking forward to where it will take me. I hope that you will take a minute and check out my website and think about what you would do if you were able to lose weight, get healthy, and earn an amazing income while doing it? Seemed like a no brainer for me! This could really transform your life, like I will make it mine! Thanks so much for reading and don't forget to sign my guestbook on my website to let me know you stopped by.
This opportunity may not be for you, but I guarantee you know someone who it will benefit. Please be sure to share this message with them!
Thanks again,